What is this strange phenomenon I see before me?? Could it be...? No, I'm seeing things... "Pinch"
Ouch! I'm not dreaming. I am awake! I can see Mr Sunshine!! Where the devil have you been??
"Could my day get any better??" I thought.
Oh goodness me yes!! Look at these treats that were waiting for me when I arrived to work this morning and it isn't even my birthday!!
I just had to share them with you! Well, not my little cake of course, I had that all to myself. Deeee-licious with my cup of tea when I got home from work this evening.
My fabulous friend D, made me this gorgeous little package to say thank you for picking her up this weekend and taking her to an art exhibition in Leeds (will post all about it later in the week). There was really no need I told her. I so enjoy spending time with her as we get on so well and like the same arts and crafty things. It's always a pleasure to be in your company D so I would like to take this opportunity to say a 'BIG THANK YOU' to you for agreeing to come with me in the first place and being such a wonderful and thoughtful friend.
P.s You make the best cakes!! tee he hee! xx
D, also gave me some odd balls of wool that she didn't think she would use to practice my crocheting with. I'm one very lucky lady today aren't I?
Speaking of crochet, another very good friend of mine popped round to see me this evening to teach me how to crochet a birdie decoration that she had said she would help me with once I had completed my 'Treble Stitch Challenge'. I haven't got very far but will post about it at the weekend when I get chance to photograph my progress. Thank you All4meggymoo for being a star!!
Well, I guess I will love you and leave you for this evening. oh! nearly forgot! There is someone who would like to say hello
He's still alive! Hooray!
Sweet dreams xx